Primary 1 Admission Phase 1 (2025/26)

A. Application 遞交申請

  1. Read and follow the general application procedures completely 請仔細閱讀有關報名程序
  2. Retrieve the application number and confirmation email 取得申請編號及確認電郵
  3. Submit the application fee of HK$75 繳付報名費用為港幣 75 元
  4. Online payment is strongly encouraged. Alternatively, applicants can submit cash/cheque to the School General Office (Farm Road Campus) within the specified period in person. 如網上支付遇到困難,請於指定時間內到農圃道校舍校務處親身遞交現金/支票。

B. Admission Criteria 收生準則及內容

  1. Interview performance 面試表現 70%
  2. Academic performance and other performance 學業成績及其他表現 20%
  3. Kindergarten’s comment 幼稚園評語10%

C. Interview Format & Content 面試形式及內容

First Round interview 首輪面試
  1. Academic Performances (English and Chinese) 學術表現(英文科及中文科)
  2. Attitude and Creativity 態度及創意能力
  3. Common Senses 常識
  4. Social Skills 社交能力

Second Round interview第二輪面試 

About 800 applicants will be selected to join the second round interview.

Parents will also be invited to meet with Principal / Vice-principal / Senior Teachers in this phase.
是次面試將安排家長與校長 / 副校長 / 主任面談。


D. Office hour and addres辦公時間及地址

Address: 2 Farm Rd., To Kwa Wan, Kln.
Office hours: Monday to Friday 9:00am-5:00pm (Lunch time: 12:30pm-1:30pm) and Saturday 9:00am-1:00 pm
地址:土瓜灣農圃道 2 號

E. School Fee and scholarship/ school fee remission scheme 學費及獎學金/學費減免計劃

Our school fee for the academic year of 2024-2025 is HK$15,450 per year, payable in 10 instalments. The School ensures no qualified candidates will be denied admission due to financial difficulties. The School provides “School fee remission/ Scholarship scheme” for those who are in need (including the family which receives CSSA / SFAA). Details of the “School fee remission/ Scholarship scheme” are posted on our school website.

For enquiries, please contact our school office in office hours at 2755-7799 (Farm Road Campus) or visit our school website at

2024-2025學年學費為每年港幣$15,450,分十期繳交。本校並不會因為學生的家庭經濟困難或未能繳交學費而拒絕學生入讀。「學費減免/獎學金計劃」讓有需要家庭(包括綜合社會保障援助(綜援)計劃/學校書簿津貼/學生車船津貼計劃)申請。有關 「學費減免/獎學金計劃」已詳列在學校網站內。學校提供詳情請參閱學校網站。

附註:如有任何查詢,歡迎於辦公時間內致電 2755-7799(農圃道校舍),聯絡本校校務處職員或瀏覽學校網頁有關資料。


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